Combine + Compare

Take a look at Building Segments to familiarize yourself with making segments.

How it works

It compares the segments together and reveals specific insights based on your respondents’ responses to different questions. For example, you might be curious about people’s optimism towards Web 3.0 technology among your respondents based in United States and African countries. By filtering and saving segments, we can narrow down survey results to a specific group of responses. That way, you know your data is only considering your target audience.

Combine mode

When you’ve sent out multiple survey links, have sent out a survey in multiple languages, or have uploaded multiple CSVs, “Combine” mode allows you to combine all the responses into one overarching summary. It gives a holistic view of all answers to the questions and allows us to see the general perspective of the respondents.

Compare mode

After we get a sense of the overall perspective, we want to dive into specific questions and answers to get more concrete and specific insights.

In the dropdown box, we can find all the individual surveys we’ve sent out and/or all of the segments we have created for analysis. First, we toggle the switch that changes the mode from “Combine” to “Compare”. We can then choose the surveys or segments we want to include in the comparison by ticking the box in front of the cut name.

Here are a few things you need to know:

  1. You can compare individual segments with “(all responses)” to see how individual group opinions deviate from the overall opinions.
  2. There is no upper limit for the number of segments you compare at a time. But it might get slow if you have more than 5 cuts at a time.
  3. It helps to have a clear and short-cut name that allows you to immediately know what the cut is about without going back to check it.