Response Themes

The Themes feature allows us to group multiple-choice question responses into like topics or concepts. This can be useful when looking to summarize a long list of question responses or when uncovering sentiment.

Step Breakdown

1. Open up “View Question Detail”

You can get to the question detail of your survey workspace by selecting the menu icon of that workspace from the dashboard page OR when you are on the analysis page open the menu icon in the upper right and select “Question Detail”.

2. View question detail

On the “Questions” tab, scroll down to find the question you want to add themes to and select the arrow next to the “Create theme” copy.

Note: Theme’s can only be applied to multiple choice questions.
Note: Theme’s can only be applied to multiple choice questions.

3. Create themes

By clicking the black ➕ button under the theme section, we could add a theme for each answer choice. For instance, for the question asking about the type of music you listen to, you could create themes around “Electronic”, “Classic” and “Modern”. After you input theme names for answer choices, hit “return” on your keyword so that the theme names are saved. Then, click “Save” on the top of the page.

4. View themes on the analysis page

We can now see the statistics of the different themes of answer choices. If you want to turn on or off the theme, select the magic wand icon.

With theme on (see magic wand icon is green)
With theme on (see magic wand icon is green)
With theme off (see magic wand icon is black)
With theme off (see magic wand icon is black)

The magic wand icon only shows up when you've saved a theme for a specific question.