Importing Data

Importing data into Noboa is quick and simple. There are 3 options when importing data:

  1. Import survey data from TypeForm API
  2. Import survey data from SurveyMonkey API
  3. Import survey data from uploading CSV(s)

This article will also cover:

  • Connecting your Typeform account via API
  • Connecting your SurveyMonkey account via API
  • Tips on how to import multiple versions and/or languages of a survey

How to import survey data from TypeForm or SurveyMonkey

  1. Log-in to Noboa and select “Import”
  2. Select where you want to import data from by selecting the “From TypeForm” tab or “From SurveyMonkey” tab
  3. Workspace: Select the workspace from your TypeForm or SurveyMonkey account that you want to import
  4. Import Type: If this is your first time importing this workspace, select “Import as a new survey”. If you want to add a survey to an existing workspace select “Add additional versions to an existing survey”
    • Add to survey: If you import to an existing survey, select the survey you’d like to add to.
  5. Survey Key: Select the survey that you’d like as your “Survey Key”
    • Noboa will take the questions and responses from this survey and apply them to the other surveys in the workspace so that you can combine responses in the analysis page
  6. Permissions: Select who you’d like to have access to the survey - Admin only, selected users, or all users.
    • If you select Admin and later want to update who has access you can do that by going to Question Detail for the workspace and select Users and change permissions.
  7. Select version(s) to import: Select the survey(s) that you’d like to be imported.
  8. Language: if you are importing surveys that are different languages, use the dropdown to select the languages you’d like to assign each survey.
    • Adding the language will allow you to switch between languages when analyzing the survey. If you don’t need to do this then you can assign “Set all unspecified languages to” one language.
    • If a language is missing from the dropdown, please contact your Noboa support contact.
  9. Import: Select import to have your survey data imported into Noboa
    • Potential error message: If you’re importing multiple surveys and the questions and/or number of responses for each survey don’t match up - Noboa will ask if you want to continue with the import. Continuing will exclude these questions from being imported. We recommended looking back at your TypeForm or SurveyMonkey survey and make sure all the survey questions and responses match. In the Error message, noboa will tell you which questions are off.
    • Noboa will also highlight the discrepancy by putting a warning sign next to the “Questions” column during import.

How to import survey data with a CSV

Importing your data into Noboa with a CSV is a fairly simple process if the data is clean and in an acceptable format.

When importing multiple-choice questions where participants can select multiple responses, the response data needs to be either separated by a semi-colon (;) in one column OR each selected-response needs to be in an individual column and the question name needs to be an empty column before the responses with the question name as the header cell.

Steps to importing with a CSV:

  1. Log-in to Noboa and select “Import”
  2. Select the “From CSV” button
  3. Workpace: Select the workspace
    • If you want to create a new workspace select “(new workspace)”
    • If you want to add or update data in a live workspace that has already been uploaded select the name of that workspace
  4. Import files: Select the file(s) you’d like to import
    • If you import more than one file, the columns of each file need to align to (same questions in the same column)
  5. Survey Key: Once you’ve imported multiple files, select which one you’d like as your “Survey Key”
    • Noboa will take the questions in the header row of this csv and this is what will show in the analysis page
  6. Template Type: If this is your first CSV import for this workspace, select “New Template” under template type
    • If you are importing this CSV for a second time and you want to use a template you’ve used form the past with the same questions - select “Existing Template” then select the saved template.
    • If you are importing a group of CSVs with multiple languages and you’d like to be able to switch languages while analyzing, select “Translation Key” and import your translation key. (select here to learn about building a translation key)
  7. Permissions: Select who you’d like to have access to the survey - Admin only or all users.
    • If you select Admin and later want to update who has access you can do that by going to Question Detail for the workspace and select Users and change permissions.
  8. Assigning question types to your import: Noboa will take the first pass at reading your CSV and will make a close guess as to what kind of question it is (ie. multiple choice, number, opinion scale, etc.), Noboa gets close but please always make sure to check the “Type” column and change any question that needs to be updated before importing.
    • If you’re uploading a CSV(s) with multiple-select multiple choice questions and you’ve put each selection in an individual column you will have to select which responses go under that question. For multiple-choice questions, Noboa will add a side arrow indicating that that response is for that question. Select that arrow and Noboa will combine those columns into its appropriate question.
  9. Import: Select import to have your survey data imported into Noboa
    • Potential error message: If you’re uploading multiple CSVs and the columns don’t match up - Noboa will ask if you want to continue with the import. Continuing will exclude these questions from being imported. We recommended looking back at your CSVs and make sure every CSVs header row aligns with one another.

Save Template: If you are going to be uploading this survey multiple times and you don’t want to have to change the question types again, select “Save As..” and name the template. This will allow you to import this survey again without needing to make updates to the settings.

How to connect your TypeFrom or SurveyMonkey account to Noboa

For fast and real-time data importing, connect your TypeFrom or SurveyMonkey account using the powerful API connection.

To connect your API all you need to do is share your TypeForm or SurveyMonkey API token with your Noboa support contact.

To find your TypeFrom API token follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to TypeForm and open up your profile settings
  2. Under the profile header select “Personal tokens”
  3. Select the “Generate new token” button in the upper right corner
  4. Name the token “Noboa API” and make sure “All Scopes” is selected
  5. Select the “Generate token” button
  6. Copy your Personal access token and share this with your Noboa support contact

To find your SurveyMonkey API token follow these steps:

  1. Login to your SurveyMonkey account at https://developer.surveymonkey... and select the "My Apps" tab.
  2. Select the "Add A New App" button and create a Private App.
  3. Go to Settings and scroll down to the Scopes section.
  4. Select the actions to "Required" so that is matches this image.
    1. Survey Monkey Actions
  5. Once actions are selected, hit the "Update Scope" button, and then hit the "Deploy" button
  6. Copy the Access Token under the Credentials section and share this with your Noboa support contact.

How to add exclusion filters

If you want to add a filter that excludes data imported from SurveyMonkey or TypeForm out of the analysis page, go to the hamburger menu on the dashboard page and select “Exclusion Filters” from there use the filter dialog to remove data.

This is useful when a respondent adds data that sits outside of the range required OR if you need to exclude a certain response.